Bird Calls in your Garden


Books & Reference

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Calls taken from the Len Gillard Collection of Southern African Bird Calls.

Features 98 bird calls taken from the Len Gillard Collection of Southern African Bird Calls. Afrikaans names included. Compiled by Alan Reid. Track Listing:Cattle EgretHamerkopHadeda IbisEgyptian GooseLittle SparrowhawkAfrican GoshawkCape SpurfowlNatal SpurfowlHelmeted GuineafowlCrowned LapwingSpotted Thick-kneeSpeckled PigeonAfrican Olive PigeonRed-eyed DoveCape Turtle DoveLaughing DoveAfrican Green PigeonPurple-crested TuracoGrey Go-away-birdRed-chested CuckooKlaass CuckooDiderick CuckooBurchells CoucalBarn OwlSpotted Eagle OwlLittle SwiftAfrican Palm SwiftSpeckled MousebirdRedfaced MousebirdPied KingfisherBrown-hooded KingfisherAfrican HoopoeGreen Wood-HoopoeBlack-collared BarbetYellow-fronted TinkerbirdCrested BarbetCardinal WoodpeckerRed-throated WryneckBarn SwallowGreater Striped SwallowLesser Striped SwallowRock MartinFork-tailed DrongoBlack-headed OriolePied CrowCape BulbulDark-capped BulbulSombre GreenbulKurrichane ThrushOlive ThrushGroundscraper ThrushFamiliar ChatMocking Cliff ChatWhite-browed Robin-ChatRed-Capped Robin-ChatCape Robin-ChatWillow WarblerBar-throated ApalisTawny-flanked PriniaFiscal FlycatcherAfrican Paradise FlycatcherCape WagtailFiscal ShrikeSouthern BoubouBlack-backed PuffbackBokmakierieOrange-breasted Bush ShrikeGrey-headed Bush ShrikeCommon StarlingCommon MynaViolet-backed StarlingCape Glossy StarlingRed-winged StarlingCape SugarbirdMalachite SunbirdSouthern Double-collared SunbirdGreated Double-collared SunbirdWhite-bellied SunbirdScarlet-chested SunbirdAmethyst SunbirdCollared SunbirdCape White-EyeHouse SparrowCape SparrowGrey-headed SparrowThick-billed WeaverVillage WeaverCape WeaverSouthern Masked WeaverGolden WeaverSouthern Red BishopCommon WaxbillBronze MannikinPintailed WhydahDusky IndigobirdYellow-fronted CanaryCape CanaryStreakyheaded Canary

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